In 2019, the total number of business start-ups in France reached a new record, marking an 18% increase on the previous year.
This increase was again driven by registrations** of micro-entrepreneurs, up 25%**. The popularity of this legal status is due to the particularly streamlined formalities involved in setting up and running a business. The specific tax and administrative requirements for auto-entrepreneurs also contribute to this popularity.
These include the transfer of the registered office " (also called "business address") can be carried out at low cost and at any time during the life of the microenterprise. This involves a change of administrative address.
This address must be chosen very carefully, as it will appear on all your official and online documents (web directory, website, social networks, etc.).
You can change your registered office directly online via URSSAF's official Auto-entrepreneur website. Domiciliation is a crucial step for an auto-entrepreneur, as it allows you to maintain a valid administrative address.
Go to the "Modification or cessation of micro-entrepreneur activity" menu, and click on "Modifier votre situation ou votre activité". If your place of business corresponds to your personal address, tick the "Change of personal address" box (16P). If this is not the case, check the "Change of place of business" box (11P 54P 80P).
You will then be asked to enter the new address of your registered office. This change implies the issue of a new SIRET number. This will be sent to you by post, and must be updated on all your official documents. Please do not hesitate to contact the INSEE regional office if you do not receive this letter within 4 weeks of validating your online request.
It is also possible to complete this procedure on paper. To do so, complete form CERFA n°13905*02 (P2-P4 auto-entrepreneur) in the same way. It must be signed and sent by post to the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE) in the département corresponding to your former head office. The legal and tax consequences of a change of address for an auto-entrepreneur include updating legal documents and paying property taxes.
There are a number of reasons for transferring a company's head office. Firstly, a move to a new location may require an update of the administrative address. Secondly, changes in the company's structure, such as a merger or acquisition, may also justify a head office transfer.
Finally, tax reasons, such as the search for a more advantageous business property tax rate, may motivate this change. As a self-employed entrepreneur, it's crucial to choose an address that optimizes costs and meets the company's needs.
Transferring a company's registered office involves a number of administrative formalities. First, the transfer must be declared to the relevant Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE).
Next, the company's administrative documents, such as the Trade and Companies Register, need to be updated. Finally, it is important to inform business partners and financial institutions of the change of address to ensure business continuity. These formalities are essential to ensure that the transfer goes smoothly and that the company remains in compliance with the French Commercial Code.
Transferring a company's head office can have significant consequences. First of all, it can lead to a change in the company's property tax rate, which can have an impact on the company's finances.
Secondly, all business documents, such as invoices and quotations, need to be updated to reflect the new address. Finally, this change can influence the company's credibility and brand image, especially if the new head office is located in a more prestigious or strategic area. It is therefore crucial to plan this transfer carefully to minimize any negative impact.
For a hassle-free head office transfer, good planning is essential.
Next, choose a new head office that meets your company's needs and is strategically located. Finally, inform all your business partners and financial institutions of the change of address to avoid any service interruptions. By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and uncomplicated head office transfer, enabling your business to continue to thrive without interruption.
Did you know that French law allows micro-entrepreneurs to benefit from the services of a domiciliation company? As a self-employed entrepreneur, it's crucial to comply with regulatory requirements when choosing a domicile. Entrepreneurs can choose their new registered office from three different solutions:
The free choice of address for your head office allows you to select a commune with a low CFE (Contribution Foncière des Entreprises) tax rate . Every company is liable for this tax every year.
It's therefore possible to make a strategic choice to drastically reduce your tax bill, thanks to company domiciliation.
Domiciliating your company can be an effective way of optimizing your Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises (CFE). By opting for a domiciliation, the company can benefit from a prestigious address at lower cost, and avoid paying a high CFE linked to commercial premises located in an unfavorable tax zone. However, you need to check with the tax authorities to ensure that you are eligible for domiciliation, and that you comply with the legal requirements for business domiciliation.
We invite you to use our online simulator dedicated to calculating the Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises (CFE ) to estimate the amount of this local tax and better anticipate the costs associated with your business.
With SeDomicilier, you can obtain your certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, in a 100% online process. What's more, all your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office!
Company founders can choose their new head office from among these three solutions.
This is the most financially and logistically demanding solution. When you're just starting out, it's often difficult to pay a monthly rent.
Simple and inexpensive on the surface, this solution requires you to make your home address public. It will appear on the Internet and on all your official documents. Last but not least, this is a temporary solution, as you can set up your registered office at home for up to 5 years.
Domiciliation is the ideal alternative: simple and inexpensive, it lets you benefit from a prestigious address without having to rent premises. Domiciliation can also lighten your daily routine and save on taxes.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min