A very popular legal status for entrepreneurs, the Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée has the same characteristics as the SARL, but with a single shareholder.
Its ease of creation, management and dissolution are just some of the reasons behind its success: 15% of companies created in France in 2019 are EURLs! The protection it provides for the founder is also particularly appreciated: he or she is liable only up to the limit of his or her capital contribution to the company.
First, determine the administrative details of your EURL :
Next, you'll need to draw up your company's articles of association. Since this is the most important stage in the process of setting up a company, special attention must be paid to it. As a general rule, the articles of association of an EURL are drawn up in the form of a private deed. If you are contributing real estate to the company's capital, a notarial deed is required. Note: model articles of association are available from the Commercial Court or the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE).
Evaluate your company's contributions correctly! To do this, it is compulsory to appoint a contribution auditor, unless the total amount of contributions does not exceed €30,000, or half the value of the share capital.
Have you drawn up your articles of association and valued your contributions? It's time to publish a notice of incorporation of your EURL in a legal gazette!
As soon as your advert has been published, you can file your business start-up application with the Registrar of the Commercial Court. To do this, complete the M0 form (Cerfa n°11680*03).
Please bring the following documents with you:
By default, your EURL will be taxed under the income tax system. This is one of the main advantages of EURL: your company's losses will automatically reduce your overall tax rate!
Creating an EURL comes at a price:
All in all, the budget required is around €450.
Today, many entrepreneurs choose to domicile their company.
Did you know that French law allows a distinction to be made between the address of a company's registered office and its actual place of business? This allows you to benefit from the many advantages of a head office located in a prestigious area, while working from home!
It's a great way to boost your company's credibility while saving big bucks!
Eliminate one of the most time-consuming tasks in your daily routine with digital mail management. We receive it at the address where you live, sort it and scan it to a personalized, secure virtual office!
Do you still want to receive important mail on paper? You can opt to have them forwarded to your actual place of work, or to collect them on site.
Other repetitive tasks are just waiting to be outsourced: take advantage of a switchboard to take your calls and messages, administrative and legal assistance , or meeting room rental!
With SeDomicilier, you can benefit from a 100% digital domiciliation offer, quickly accessible online! Get your certificate of domiciliation in less than five minutes, and launch your project in the best possible conditions!
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min