The costs and procedures involved in setting up a micro-business are limited

How much does it cost to set up a micro-business?

The micro-enterprise status is particularly advantageous in administrative, tax and social terms. It also offers another major advantage: it costs nothing (or almost nothing!) to set it up.
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Reading time: 5min
Updated April 8, 2020
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The micro-entrepreneur status status has been a resounding success since its creation, thanks to its many administrative, social and tax advantages.

To create your status, simply fill in an online form. A simple copy of your ID is required to activate all your benefits. You will then receive your SIRET number and legal information by post within 3 to 6 weeks.

Throughout the life of your micro-business, administrative formalities are kept to a minimum. All you have to do is declare your monthly or quarterly sales online, pay your contributions and file your income tax return.

When you wind up your business, a simple declaration is all that's needed to make it disappear. However, micro-entrepreneur status is not available to all businesses. Many entrepreneurs choose this option because of its low cost of creation. And for good reason: it's almost free!

Let's find out how much it really costs to set up a micro-business.

How much does it cost to set up a micro-business?

Register your micro-business

All new companies must have an official official registration even if it's a simple micro-entrepreneur structure. How much does it cost? Absolutely nothing.

Becoming a micro-entrepreneur couldn't be easier: just visit the official government platforms or All you need to do is fill in the following information on a single online form:

  • Your businessaddress
  • Contact details for the sole shareholder
  • Choice of health insurance organization and declaration of rights
  • Preference for payment in full discharge of income tax.

Please allow between 4 and 6 weeks to receive your SIRET number, sent by post to your company's head office.

If you work as a sales agent, you must register with the Registre Spécial des Agents Commerciaux. This service costs €27.

Opening a bank account for your micro-business

As a micro-entrepreneur, you are required to have a bank account specifically dedicated to your business activity. This allows you to keep your personal and professional income and expenses completely separate.

Naturally, you can open a traditional current account with any bank. Fees vary, depending on the services offered by each bank. There's no need to sign up for a complete business package: a simple current account can accommodate all your income. Some online banks even offer free account management.

Micro-business: take out dedicated business insurance

Entrepreneurs in the commercial sector are not obliged to take out professional indemnity insurance. However, those involved in craft activities are required to take out professional liability insurance (also known as "RC Pro").

This covers all the risks that may arise in the course of your day-to-day business, and indemnifies you in the event of an occurrence.

The cost of professional liability insurance varies from company to company. In most cases, you'll need to pay between €75 and €300 a year, depending on the extent of the clauses in the contract, and the amount of compensation.

As you can see, setting up a micro-business isn't an onerous process, and doesn't require a large amount of funds. People with a commercial activity can set up their business without paying a cent. For artisans, it depends mainly on the terms of your insurance contract (between 75€ and 300€ per year).

How can you make your project a reality? SeDomicilier, the specialist in company domiciliation, can help you with all the administrative formalities, so that you can easily achieve all your objectives!

Thanks to SeDomicilier, you can obtain a certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, in a 100% online process.

All your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office. Business domiciliation allows you to focus on the missions with the highest added value: those that make your project grow and succeed!

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
April 3, 2020
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