Microenterprise entrepreneur transferring his registered office

How do I change my micro-business address?

A self-employed entrepreneur wishing to change the address of his business benefits from a simplified and inexpensive administrative procedure. Using a domiciliation company offers a number of advantages, including privacy and reduced property charges. SeDomicilier takes a look at the procedure for changing the registered office address of a micro-business.
Transfer of registered office
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Domiciliation + company transfer
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Transfer my head office

Why declare a change of address for your micro-business?

Separating your home from your business

When setting up a micro-business, the individual entrepreneur usually chooses his or her personal home. When your business takes off, linking your home with the head office of your micro-business can be a disadvantage. Your customers and service providers have access to very personal information. You receive your business mail directly at home. What's more, if you make your company's details public on the INPI website, you run the risk of exposing your place of residence to commercial canvassing.

Reduce the amount of your CFE

Depending on your geographical location, the business property tax can be high. In 2024, the minimum contribution is €237. Larger companies can pay up to €7,349. Auto-entrepreneurs are exempt from CFE if their annual sales are less than €5,000 excluding VAT.
By using the services of a domiciliation company, you can benefit from an address in a prestigious district of Paris or a provincial town, and reduce the amount of your CFE. Paris has one of the lowest CFE rates in France. Choosing a domiciliation company can therefore represent a double advantage:

  • Enjoy a prestigious address;
  • Reduce property taxes.

Depending on the location of your micro-business's head office, you may qualify for CFE exemption:

  • Setting up in an urban revitalization area (BER) ;
  • Location in a dynamic urban area (BUD) ;
  • Located in a priority urban district (QPPV) ;
  • Located in a priority development zone (ZDP).

SeDomiclier offers tailor-made legal advice to help you set up your business in a priority basin or zone, enabling you to benefit from tax breaks and public aid.

What are the consequences of a change of address for the auto-entrepreneur?

A change of address has an impact on the daily life of the auto-entrepreneur, particularly from an administrative point of view. That's why it's essential to take the necessary steps within the framework laid down by the authorities.

Changing your Siret

When changing the address of a micro-business, the Siren number is retained, but the Siret number changes. The Siret number consists of 14 digits:

  • The Siren number, a nine-digit Insee code.
  • An NIC code, or Internal Classification Number, consisting of five digits placed at the end of the Siren number.

The NIC code is used to identify each establishment of a company according to its geographical location. It's the part of your Insee registration that changes if the address of your self-employed business changes. Your new Siret number is automatically transmitted to the Urssaf (for micro-entrepreneurs) and the Service des Impôts aux Entreprises (SIE). The new Siret number is issued by Insee within four weeks.

Steps to take when changing address

When changing address, a micro-entrepreneur needs to track mail from the old head office to the new location. This can be done directly online via the French Post Office's website. Make sure you give your customers, suppliers and potential employees plenty of advance notice of your new address.

Don't forget to change the business address on your business cards and website. It's important to check that all communication media have the correct registered address. Some legal notices even require auto-entrepreneurs to specify the exact address of their registered office, particularly on their website.

How do I change the address of a micro-business?

From which platform can I change my address?

Since January 1ᵉʳ, 2023, procedures for creating, modifying or terminating an auto-entrepreneur are to be carried out directly on the Guichet unique site, managed by INPI. The platform redistributes informative modifications to the various organizations: Service des impôts aux entreprises (SIE), CCI, Greffe du tribunal de commerce, URSSAF, etc.

Change your address online

If you're a self-employed entrepreneur, you can change your address directly online. The process is simplified. Just go directly to the URSSAF website dedicated to auto-entrepreneurs. Under the heading "Gérer mon auto-entreprise" (Manage my auto-enterprise), you can access the form for modifying or cancelling your activity.
The auto-entrepreneur must specify the category of activity and select "Modifier mon activité". Redirection to the CFE of reference is automatic. When filling in the form, you need to choose your personal home address and the place where you will be carrying out your activity. It is important to change only the relevant address.
Once all the boxes on the form have been filled in, the declaration must be signed electronically. The server requires you to upload a scanned copy of the auto-entrepreneur's identity document and add the words "Certified true".

Request a change by mail

It is possible to change the address of an auto-entrepreneur by post. You need to download and print out form CERFA n°13905*02 (also known as P2-P4 auto-entrepreneur). Once duly completed, sign it and send it by post to the CFE (Centre de Formalités des Entreprises) corresponding to your former registered office.

The form must be accompanied by one of the following documents:

  • Proof of address less than three months old;
  • Commercial lease or proof of occupancy;
  • Commercial domiciliation contract, if applicable.

How much does it cost to change the address of a micro-business?

The formalities involved in setting up a micro-enterprise, as well as any changes linked to a change of address or activity, are free of charge for auto-entrepreneurs. However, if you move to another département, you will have to pay a registry fee of 50 euros. As an auto-entrepreneur, you don't have to pay any fees to modify your articles of association, nor do you have to publish an announcement in a Journal d'annonces légales (JAL).

The procedure for changing the postal address of a micro-business is simplified thanks to the Guichet unique connected to the URSSAF website. All you have to do is fill in the online form and submit the required supporting documents, and the request will be processed. Using the services of a domiciliation company offers a number of advantages, such as greater visibility and a reduction in the cost of business property tax.

Written by our expert Evan
November 26, 2024
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Frequently asked questions

How does the change of address procedure work for a self-employed business?
The formalities are to be carried out directly online. In fact, since January 1ᵉʳ, 2023, formalities have been dematerialized with the Guichet unique, hosted by INPI. The auto-entrepreneur must bring proof of address: energy bill, Internet bill, direct debit contract, etc.
How much does a change of address cost for an auto-entrepreneur?
Changing the address of a micro-business is free of charge, unless you move your registered office to another département. In this case, you will have to pay a registry fee of 50 euros.
Does the Siret number change when I move?
The address of an auto-entrepreneur's head office determines its Siret number. When moving, the NIC code, one of the components of the Siret, changes. It provides information about the geographical location of the auto-entrepreneur.