A company needs a P.O. box to receive letters and other important documents. It's defined as a mailbox installed in a post office that receives mail. Many companies do not have their own mail service. They rely on direct debit to receive and send documents.
Businesses and private individuals with a P.O. box must come by during Post Office opening hours to pick up their mail from the box. A P.O. box is available on a seasonal or annual rental basis to individuals and companies who have opted for postal domiciliation. To obtain one, you need to go to the French post office responsible for distributing postal services in your locality. A PO Box has many advantages. There's less risk of falsifying or confusing your address.
You need to check your mailbox regularly to ensure that you get your letters back on time. A lot of important postal correspondence with confidential content is constantly going in and out of your P.O. box. Information must be handled by discreet and loyal staff. This applies in particular to information of a financial, legal or even social nature.
This category of professionals is bound by the company's instructions. Certain documents are strictly confidential and must not be opened in the secretariat. The volume of mail depends on the size of the company and the number of partners it works with.
There's a standard procedure for handling incoming mail, parcels, faxes and letters. The initial part consists of all the tasks performed by the secretary. He/she notes the arrival and receives the letters. It then opens and registers them, sorts them and transmits the postal documents to the addressee via their P.O. box.
The secretary must therefore have office equipment to carry out his tasks. He or she must also assign someone to check daily that mail arrives in the post office box.
A registration number is assigned to each letter. Some companies with a large flow of documents are equipped with a mail-opening machine. For bulky incoming documents, La Poste, for example, uses the cedex to enable companies to receive their mail in priority in their P.O. box.
Business leaders often opt to digitize their mail flows. This method enables incoming documents to be easily traced in the post box, facilitating the management of circulating flows and automating validation procedures. This is a real productivity booster for companies, especially those that have to manage large volumes of documents and mail.
The principle behind electronic letter flow management is dematerialization. It facilitates complete tracking of postal correspondence, from receipt to response. You can be sure you won't lose any letters, and you'll be more responsive to your customers' needs.
To optimize the electronic administration of your company's letter flow, there are a number of steps to follow. The first concerns the collection of all documents entering the company. Whether they arrive by post or electronically, multi-channel solutions make it possible to capture all incoming documents and store them in a single location.
This centralization ensures perfect organization of all material and immaterial documents arriving at your company. Scanning makes it all possible.
The electronic signature system enables you to manage your company's outgoing letter flows more efficiently. Digitized letter administration offers you a number of advantages, including efficiency and security.
There are intelligent machines connected to the post office's IT system. They automatically process your mail using specially adapted equipment. They look like printers. They are equipped with a screen.
If your company sends out more than 20 envelopes a day, you should opt for automatic sealed envelopes to save time.
Outsourcing is another way of optimizing your business mail management. It involves entrusting the administration of your correspondence to private individuals. For companies, this avoids the inconvenience of forgetting, delaying or losing mail...
If your company is overwhelmed, we recommend outsourcing. This is the domiciliation of your mail with a specialized structure.
With specialists like Sedomicilier, your mail is scanned and permanently stored in your customer area. A notification is sent to you as soon as it is received. Physical mail is stored on the specialist's management center. It is destroyed after one month if you do not request forwarding.
Here are 4 essential tips for managing your incoming and outgoing mail.
Depending on their importance and origin, you need to sort your various letters for better organization. There are a number of independent assistants to help you with this task, according to your instructions.
You need to organize the administrative management of your incoming mail. You need to respond to letters that need to be returned. Here, too, you can call on the assistance of a software program.
Your outgoing mail must be well processed before it is sent. This avoids mistakes that can tarnish your company's image.
Your secretary needs to classify and manage your mail to keep track of your files. You can also opt for digitized management.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min