Choosing the address of your registered office is an important step in setting up a Société Civile Immobilière (SCI). It is publicly accessible, and will appear on all your official documents (invoices, purchase orders, delivery notes, estimates, etc.).
The location of your registered office determines the nationality of your SCI, its country of taxation and the competent jurisdiction in the event of a dispute. The law allows you to separate your registered office and your actual place of work.
This is why domiciliation companies offer their customers the benefit of a mailbox located in the best areas of Paris or other major French cities, enhancing your corporate image, as well as a wide range of useful a wide range of useful services to make your day-to-day life easier.
The latter are adapted to all budgets, and can be subscribed to according to individual needs. Corporate domiciliation is therefore the best alternative to choosing your own home, or renting commercial premises.
A non-trading property company (Société Civile Immobilière - SCI) is a company that owns and manages real estate assets. It has a legal personality, and is often a useful solution for optimizing management and transfer, and for sharing the income generated by the rental of a property.
It has a maximum lifespan of 99 years, and is registered with the Trade and Companies Register(RCS). As this is not a commercial company, the aim is not directly to buy and sell property via this company, but rather to rent it out.
There are different types of SCI, depending on the context and the asset needs expressed:
Each person holding shares in the SCI is allocated a share of the capital. Not only does the SCI make it easier to acquire and manage property assets, it also simplifies their transfer.
Every SCI must have a registered office address. This is the first step in setting up a SCI. You can choose from three alternatives:
With a domiciliation company, you can eliminate time-consuming, low-value-added tasks and concentrate on what's most important: managing your property.
Obtaining your direct debit certificate couldn't be easier : SeDomicilier's 100% online service takes just 5 minutes! Fill in all the necessary legal information, and provide a copy of your identity document. You'll receive your certificate of domiciliation by e-mail in just a few minutes!
SeDomicilier has even set up partnerships with specialists so that you can complete your project in just a few clicks, and from the comfort of your sofa!
Once you've created your file, simply customize all the services you need, and build your "made-to-measure" offer. This way, you only pay for what you actually use. All features can be easily managed from your personalized, secure online space.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min