Business domiciliation in Biarritz offers a number of advantages.

The advantages of company domiciliation in Biarritz

Are you starting up your business and have no idea where to locate? This article might help!
Reading time: 4min
Updated June 21, 2023
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Choosing the right location for your business is a crucial step for the future of your company, and can be a strategic one.

This address will determine your registered office, as well as your tax and administrative address.

The choice of location for your business should not be left to chance, for both administrative and strategic reasons.

Is the environment around my company dynamic? Is the infrastructure right for my business? What incentives does the region offer to attract new business? These are all questions you need to ask yourself before making your choice.

Would you like to set up your business outside the major cities of Paris, Marseille or Lyon, and still benefit from an environment that is conducive to the development of your business?

So why not choose Biarritz?

Dossier: the advantages of company domiciliation in Biarritz

Biarritz, a city in a dynamic region 

Biarritz is located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, which has the highest number of business start-ups in France (excluding Ile-de-France).

In 2017, nearly 50,000 businesses were created in the region

This represents an increase of just over 8% on 2016, reflecting the region's dynamism.

This dynamism is not the result of chance, since the public authorities do everything in their power to create the most favorable local environment for business.

In fact, numerous infrastructure projects have been launched in the region, in particular the high-speed line that now links Bordeaux, located near Biarritz, to the capital in just 2 hours!

The region also offers significant financial assistance for companies wishing to locate in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, such as:

  • Financial support for SMEs and ETIs
  • Grants ranging from €4,000 to €10,000 paid to auto-entrepreneurs.

The advantages of company domiciliation

Once you've chosen a commune, you have several options.

Your company can be domiciled in :

Using a domiciliation company means you don't have to deal with time-consuming tasks, so you can concentrate on developing your business.

Several services are available:

  • Mail management: forwarding your business mail at the frequency of your choice, or scanning it.
  • Hotline service: customized for your business.
  • A meeting room rental service : renting a meeting room on a one-off basis means you don't have to pay for premises all year round. It also reinforces your company's credibility with your customers, who you'll be able to meet in a professional setting.

Tax savings

With a domiciliation company, tax savings are possible on the CFE or Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises. This tax is compulsory for all companies.

By choosing certain geographic zones over others, you can save on taxes

Indeed, the CFE (Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises) tax rate can vary greatly from one commune to another. Domiciliation enables you to locate your head office in a commune with a low rate, and thus radically reduce your tax bill.

Also, the property coefficient used to calculate the amount of the Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises is zero when you locate your head office in a domiciliation company.

Finally, choosing a domiciliation company offers you a number of serious advantages, not least that you can choose the address of your head office.

Biarritz, one of France's most dynamic regions, is the perfect location for your company!

Written by our expert Editorial staff
September 17, 2018
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