ARCE (Aide à la reprise et à la création d'entreprise) is a scheme set up by Pôle emploi specifically for jobseekers. More concretely, ARCE provides financial assistance in the form of a lump sum to jobseekers wishing to set up, take over or become self-employed.
Prior to July 1, 2023, this capital sum corresponded to 45% of the amount of benefits that the jobseeker would have received if he or she had remained unemployed for the entire statutory compensation period. Since July 1, the ARCE rate has been equal to 60% of a capital sum equivalent to the jobseeker's remaining ARE (Allocation d'Aide au Retour à l'Emploi) rights. A deduction of 3%, corresponding to the financing of supplementary pensions, will be applied to the amount of the capital paid.
Good to know: ARCE can be combined with ACRE (Aide aux Créateurs ou Repreneurs d'Entreprises) and is tax-free.
To qualify for business start-up assistance, jobseekers must apply to the Pôle emploi agency managing their unemployment benefit file. They must also present proof that they have set up or taken over a business. This may be a Kbis extract or proof of registration with the RNE (national register of companies).
In addition, jobseekers must have obtained the ACCRE (aide aux chômeurs à la création ou à la reprise d'entreprise), now known as the ACRE. Under this scheme, you will be exempt from social security contributions for one year. Jobseekers must also comply with other conditions.
The jobseeker must be in receipt of ARE benefits from the Pôle emploi at the time of setting up the business. In addition, the jobseeker must be in receipt of unemployment benefit. People who have been made redundant and have taken steps to set up or take over a business during their notice period, mobility leave or redeployment leave may also benefit from ARCE.
Please note : employees who set up or take over a business before the end of their notice period, or in other situations, are not eligible for ARCE, as they are not entitled to ARE.
Business start-up assistance is paid in two equal instalments. The first payment, equivalent to half the amount of the ARCE, is made at the start of the business. It can also be paid as soon as the conditions for entitlement are met and the future beneficiary ceases to be registered on the jobseeker's list.
The second instalment is paid six months after the date on which the company was set up or taken over. This payment is made on condition that the beneficiary can prove that he or she is still carrying out the activity for which the aid was granted. This can be done by means of any supporting document, such as a sworn statement or any other document required by Pôle emploi.
Jobseekers are not obliged to apply for ARCE if they decide to set up their own business. They can, for example, launch a start-up while continuing to receive their ARE. In fact, the French government allows auto-entrepreneurs to combine their unemployment benefits with income from their ancillary professional activities.
Pôle emploi will, however, take the company's sales figures into account when calculating the amount of ARE to be paid. However, the sum of the company's sales and the ARE must not exceed the base used to calculate the amount of unemployment benefit.
To apply for ARCE, the future auto-entrepreneur needs to be certain that he or she actually needs capital when setting up the business. If this is not the case, they can still receive the ARE while setting up their company.
Domiciliation is one of the most important steps in setting up a company. The ideal solution is to use a domiciliation company. Here are a few criteria to consider when choosing the domiciliation company that best suits your needs and objectives when setting up your business.
There are many domiciliation companies on the market, each offering a wide range of services. To be sure you're making the right choice, compare the quality of the services on offer. Thanks to its extensive experience in the field, SeDomicilier can help you find an administrative, legal and tax address for your company.
The best domiciliation agency is one that offers complementary services in addition to its usual offerings. SeDomicilier helps you find an administrative, legal and tax address for your company. We also offer a wide range of additional services.
To avoid spending a fortune when setting up your business, you should also pay attention to the rates offered by domiciliation companies. These rates generally depend on a number of criteria, such as the legal status of the company, its reputation, its address and the various ancillary services subscribed to.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min