With the various measures taken by the government to limit the risk of the coronavirus spreading (containment, closure of non-food businesses, etc.), many companies have seen their sales plummet.
Deferred payment of direct taxes
On simple request via a dedicated form on impots.gouv.fr, and without justification, the tax authorities grant a 3-month deferral of direct tax payments.
The taxes concerned are:corporation tax, payroll tax, CFE and CVAE. VAT, on the other hand, continues to be payable at the usual due date. However, the processing of claims for VAT credit refunds has been accelerated (press release from the Ministry of Action and Public Accounts published on March 22, 2020). The same applies to IS credits refundable in 2020.
For companies that have opted for monthly payment of CFE and property tax, it is possible to request that the contract be terminated, and to ask for payment to be deferred until the CFE due date of December 15, 2020. Similarly, companies that have already paid their corporate income tax instalments can request a refund from their tax office.
Cancellation of direct taxes
For companies in major difficulty, where a simple deferral of tax payments is not enough, it is possible to request outright cancellation of these taxes. To do so, it is necessary to justify the difficulties by presenting a certain number of documents. Worth knowing:
Deferred payment of social security contributions
In principle, to benefit from the deferred payment of all or part of employee and employer contributions, companies simply need to indicate the amount of the payment they wish to make - including 0 - on the form. The payment date will automatically be deferred for up to 3 months. It is also possible to set up activity measures.
However, for large companies with over 5,000 employees and sales of €1.5 billion or more, a request for deferred payment of social security contributions must be submitted toUrssaf. To do so, simply inform the collection department and complete a form via your online space. The deferral of payment is subject to certain conditions:
State-guaranteed loans
This is a 1-year cash-flow loan whose monthly repayments can be deferred for up to 12 months, to ease companies' cash-flow burden. In addition, the loan can be amortized over a maximum of 5 years. This state aid applies to all loan applications taken out between March 16 and December 31, 2020. To benefit, simply contact your dedicated advisor.
In detail, for companies with fewer than 5,000 employees and sales of less than €1.5 billion, you need to :
For companies with over 5,000 employees and sales of over €1.5 billion, the procedure is as follows:
Good to know: credit institutions (Qonto, Shine, Anytime, etc.) and finance companies are not eligible for government-backed loans. Participatory finance platforms, however, have obtained the right to distribute PGEs.
Assistance from Bpifrance
In addition to these grants, VSEs, self-employed workers, micro-entrepreneurs and the liberal professions in the sectors most affected by the coronavirus health crisis also benefit from other assistance.
Deferred payment of electricity, water, gas and rental bills
To do this, companies must apply to the relevant organizations for an amicable deferral of invoice payment.
An exceptional bonus
To compensate for the loss of business, a monthly bonus of up to €1,500 (from a solidarity fund set up by the French government) is granted to companies that have recorded :
In addition, to benefit from this aid, the company must also meet the following criteria:
To benefit from this bonus, companies must apply on impots.gouv.fr. To do so, the entrepreneur must :
For companies in serious financial difficulty, additional assistance of between €2,000 and €5,000 is granted on a case-by-case basis to prevent bankruptcy.
To be eligible for this aid, the company must meet certain criteria in addition to those required for the €1,500 bonus.
To apply, companies simply log on to the platform set up by the region in which they operate.
A bonus for craftsmen and shopkeepers
This bonus is paid automatically by Urssaf without any special request. The maximum amount is €1,250.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min