Entrepreneurs, auto-entrepreneurs, employees looking for answers about the employment situation between now and 2025? This article is for you!
Initial figures from INSEE suggest that the situation is positive. While salaried employment in France rose by 1.1% over the previous year, and the French economy created a total of 268,800 new salaried jobs, we are seeing steady progress.
The private sector, which had destroyed a large number of jobs between 2011 and 2014, has shown a very positive performance, with unemployment down 1.1 points on 2016, leaving France in a situation of "net job creation" for up to 11 consecutive quarters.
But does this positive dynamic apply to all sectors? Which sectors are doing best?
First and foremost, the personal services sector will be at the top of the list of growth sectors by 2025.
In particular, the impact of the "Papy-Boom " and the retirement of 8 million French workers is tending to free up positions in the personal services sector.
A number of professions will be well represented in retirement replacements:
The second extremely buoyant sector is currently at the heart of the conflict. This is, of course, education.
With class sizes continuing to grow, and many teachers retiring without being replaced, the trend is set to reverse by 2025.
We're talking about creating almost 300,000 jobs over the next few years.
In third place, of course, are the healthcare professions.
Here again, with the profound disappearance of country doctors and the proliferation of medical deserts, but also the constant reduction in paramedical staff, the sector may seem to be in difficulty.
Yet the demand for professionals is significant, and should lead to the creation of no fewer than 600,000 new positions between now and 2025, with doctors in the lead, ahead of nurses, care assistants and childcare assistants.
This is obviously the star of the growth sectors: IT.
Whether you're talking about computer scientists, data analysts or big data professionals, community managers or online marketing specialists, the variations of online professions are endless.
The proliferation of robotics and new technologies will also tend to open up new jobs for the most highly-skilled professional categories.
Finally, we can't close this dossier without mentioning the professions linked to the environmental sector. A truly global issue, environmental urgency is set to increase between now and 2025, as awareness of the problem grows.
As a result, nearly 450,000 jobs are expected to be created in both waste management and renewable energies.
In conclusion, the general trend in job creation is quite positive, and would tend to justify a real revival.
Focus on the 5 most buoyant sectors in the French economy today, and up to 2025!
By 2025, the personal services sector will be at the top of the list of growth sectors. This is due in particular to the impact of the "Papy-Boom" and the retirement of 8 million French workers, which is tending to free up positions in this sector.
We're talking about creating almost 300,000 jobs over the next few years.
In third place, of course, are the healthcare professions.
According to the CIDJ, these are "the most talked-about professions".
Nearly 450,000 jobs are expected to be created in both waste management and renewable energies.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min