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The EURL, or Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée, is a form of company run by a single shareholder.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

EURL: the sole shareholder
Dissolving and winding up an SCI is a common legal act that requires a certain knowledge of the procedures in force.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

SCI: dissolution and liquidation
The Chairman of an SAS plays a key role at the heart of the system, and may be called upon to commit the company to third parties.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

SAS: the role of the Chairman
There are a number of steps involved in transforming a SAS into a SASU.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

Converting an SAS into a SASU: the steps to follow
There are various ways of increasing a company's share capital. The incorporation of reserves is a common procedure, avoiding the need for contributions from shareholders.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Increasing share capital by capitalizing reserves: the method
The partners of a company may decide, by mutual agreement, to dissolve the company.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

Dissolution of a company
Modifying a company's articles of association involves a number of steps.

Managing your business

Reading time: 8 min

How do I change my company's articles of association?
Company valuation, everything you need to know about the method and how it works.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Valuing a company: method and operation
It is possible to convert your micro-business into a EURL.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

How to convert a micro-business into a EURL?
Safeguarding a company is a complex process that requires organization.

Managing your business

Reading time: 7 min

The safeguard procedure: essential information
SARLs and SASs are required to convene an annual general meeting.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

SARL and SAS: convening the annual general meeting
Find out how a company agreement works.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

How does a company agreement work?
Defining a company's share capital: a few explanations to help you understand.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Company share capital: definition and explanations
Closing a company: mistakes not to be made.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Mistakes to avoid when closing a company
There are a number of steps you need to take to identify your beneficial owners.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Beneficiaries: procedures and new features
There are several steps involved in closing a company.

Managing your business

Reading time: 3 min

The 4 key stages in closing a company
Converting your SARL into a SAS is a decision as important as it is complex.

Managing your business

Reading time: 8 min

Converting a SARL into a SAS: the complete guide