Before going into the details of the AARRR methodology, it's worth explaining exactly what it stands for.
Framework: does the term mean anything to you? In programming language, a framework is a set of software components that can be reused. These components enable new applications to be developed more efficiently. In engineering, the reuse of development and research is strategic.
Theacronym AARRR stands for :
AARRR deploys the Growth Hacking approach. Its inventor, Sean Elliot, defines it as follows: the growth hacker 's sole objective is growth. The effectiveness of his actions is measured by their impact on scalable growth.
The AARRR methodology is based on five pillars. Let's discover together what they mean for the development of a marketing project:
To acquire new customers, a company adopting the AARRR method must mobilize online channels:
The acquisition phase enables us to identify the channels through which new customers will present themselves. It is essential before moving on to the next phase: activation.
What performance criteria should you be monitoring? SeDomicilier gives you the key performance indicators (KPIs) to keep an eye on:
The second stage, Activation, is based on the need to determine an activation indicator corresponding to a user's precise action. This action demonstrates the user's genuine interest in one of your products or services. Depending on the nature of your business, there may be several activation indicators:
To optimize activation rates, we need to find ways of improving a user's first successful experience, through customer onboarding designed to meet their expectations.
The A/B Testing methodology enables you to better understand the elements likely to develop your customer acquisition. A/B Testing is a marketing technique based on distributing two versions of the same content to two customer samples of identical size. The aim is to achieve a relevant comparison of the two samples. The next phase should lead to customer retention.
The retention stage is essential. It's the key to your company's long-term growth. Through retention, the challenge is to develop user loyalty so that they return to your site to request your services or buy your products.
In the retention phase, you need to focus on the frequency of your customers' activity. Implement targeted actions: posts on social networks, newsletters, blog articles, etc.
Optimizing your retention rate involves segmenting your audience. For example, this means targeting profiles that have not been active for over a year. Proposing a promotional offer is likely to reactivate them.
Customers are a brand's best ambassadors. It's essential to encourage your customers to talk about your products or services. How can you create recommendation offers? SeDomicilier offers a few suggestions:
The recommendation stage comes after the revenue stage when the product is paid for. Your customer can only recommend your product or service once he or she has already used it.
The revenue phase is when the user pays for a service or product. This action generates sales for the company. To develop the revenue phase, it is strategic to work on optimizing the conversion rate of users into leads and then into customers, so that they generate sales.
Would you like to learn about several strategies for developing your income? Here are a few tips:
At each stage of the AARRR process, questions need to be asked:
Funnel marketing is a strategy for developing sales and acquiring leads.
Funnel marketing is the process by which customers enter the purchase funnel. Some customers will leave the funnel before the final stage. The challenge for a company is to bring as many customers as possible to the end of the funnel.
Deploying a marketing funnel means facilitating sales and customer acquisition. The customer journey is divided into several stages. Each of these stages requires continuous improvement.
The AARRR method was originally designed to guide start-ups in their quest to find their break-even point. It has since been popularized in the digital marketing world as a tool for companies seeking to increase their sales.
The AARRR framework enables companies to rethink their operational strategy:
AARRR is therefore a natural evolution in marketing. It influences business managers in their search for and analysis of data relevant to online customer conversion.
Depending on the nature of its business and its customers, a company may have different data to measure.
The AARRR has evolved: the AAARRR. SeDomicilier reveals the secrets of this new version.
Choosing the AAARRR framework for your marketing campaigns is an excellent strategy. It's an evolution of AARRR. The third A stands for Awareness.
Building awareness means devising strategies to make yourself known.
When your prospects and customers are familiar with your brand image, it's easier to develop your sales. Brand image involves several elements:
Awareness is linked to brand content.
Brand content consists in highlighting a product or brand through theart of storytelling. The strategy is based on conveying your company's values and vision. Through storytelling, you can intimately touch your customers. The aim is to create an emotional bond with your customers.
A company without a brand image will find it hard to grow sales. Even if you spend a large budget on your marketing campaigns, without brand content, you risk missing out on any return on investment. Brand awareness is key to achieving your development objectives. So it's essential to look for levers to develop it. Storytelling is one of these levers.
Storytelling is the way to touch your customers' hearts. It's the art of narrative communication:
The quality of your products and services takes a back seat. Your world must be imprinted in the minds of your consumers.
Telling a story captures the attention of your customers and prospects. Storytelling sets you apart from the competition. It arouses pleasure, empathy, sympathy and imagination in your customers.
Successful storytelling means knowing your target audience and knowing how to speak to them. The story you tell must meet their expectations and touch their sensibilities. Take care to find the right story to tell. The staging must be creative and not too formal. Well-written storytelling creates relevant images in the minds of your customers and prospects.
To develop your Awareness, you need to select a content strategy. What type of content do you want to deploy to enhance your brand image? There are several areas to work on:
Choosing the right format for your content is crucial to the success of your strategy.
The AARRR framework is a must in growth marketing. It's a method for developing your business over the medium to long term. Results can only be appreciated over time. Patience is therefore essential throughout its deployment.