- ACRE or Aide aux Créateurs et Repreneurs d'Entreprise.
- There are ways for auto-entrepreneurs and other micro-entrepreneurs to be exempt from CFE.
- An exemption from CFE is also possible in the absence of sales.
- Pôle Emploi assistance
Auto-entrepreneur / micro-entrepreneur: how can I get help?
- Exemptions from social security contributions
- Exemption from social security contributions for the French overseas departments
- CFE exemption for auto-entrepreneurs
- Temporary exemption linked to start-up date
- Work area exemption
- Exemption linked to the absence of sales (CA)
- Permanent CFE exemptions
- Financial assistance
- Pôle Emploi assistance
- Agefiph aid
This can be a particularly daunting challenge, especially at the start-up stage. That's why it's important to find out about the various opportunities and assistance available to make your life easier, whether through reduced contributions (social security contributions, CFE) or direct financial aid.
So today we're offering you a small index, as comprehensive as possible, of potential aid for auto-entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs!
Obtaining auto entrepreneur or micro entrepreneur status is a real challenge
Exemptions from social security contributions
The first option for auto-entrepreneurs is to reduce their social security contributions. Two options exist. However, both require their own specific conditions.
The first, and undoubtedly the most widely used, is ACRE or Aide aux Créateurs et Repreneurs d'Entreprise. This aid provides exemption from social charges for one year. Since 2019, it has been open to all business creators and rescuers, regardless of status.
Exemption from social security contributions for the French overseas departments
The French overseas departments also have special status, entitling them to reduced social security contributions.
Firstly, a 24-month exemption is available for craft and commercial professions. For the liberal professions, a partial exemption is also possible, although the auto-entrepreneur must still pay old-age insurance contributions, as well as disability and death contributions.
CFE exemption for auto-entrepreneurs
Secondly, there are ways of exempting auto-entrepreneurs and other micro-entrepreneursfrom CFE. Here again, there are several cases in point.
Temporary exemption linked to start-up date
A temporary exemption can be obtained for the calendar year in which the activity begins: the 1447-C document must still be sent in order to obtain such an exemption.
From the following year, he is subject to the CFE.
Work area exemption
Setting up a business, whatever its nature, in a zone known as a ZFU (Zone Franche Urbaine), BER (Bassin d'Emploi à Redynamiser), ZRR (Zone Rurale), ZUS (Zone Urbaine Sensible) or a ZRD (Zone de Restructuration de la Défense), may entitle you to a partial or total tax exemption for a maximum of 5 years.
Exemption linked to the absence of sales (CA)
An exemption from CFE is also possible in the absence of sales. It is since November 7, 2014, and the declaration of Michel Sapin and Christian Eckert, that the absence of CA entails for auto-entrepreneurs the tax rebate.
However, it's important to bear in mind that the absence of sales for 24 months will result in removal from the auto-entrepreneur scheme, so this exemption is only temporary.
Permanent CFE exemptions
Finally, under certain conditions, a permanent exemption is possible. This is particularly the case for auto-entrepreneurs whose activity is based on craftsmanship, with a preponderance of manual labor, no speculation on raw materials and very little capital employed.
Certain non-commercial professions may also be affected
Financial assistance
It's not just a matter of being exempt from charges. In fact, it's worth looking into obtaining multiple forms of financial assistance.
Here again, various forms of assistance are available
The Nouvel Accompagnement pour la Création et la Reprise d'Entreprise is a financial support of up to 10,000 euros. It is granted in the form of a zero-interest loan.
Pôle Emploi assistance
Pôle Emploi's assistance can take two forms. Firstly, partial continuation of unemployment benefits. Of course, unemployment benefits must have been obtained beforehand.
These grants can also be converted into a lump-sum payment for the company or ARCE.
Agefiph aid
This aid is awarded to disabled workers who are job-seekers and who are developing their own business.
Another possibility is the Prêt à la Création d'Entreprise (business start-up loan). This aid makes it easier to obtain a bank loan. However, this assistance is reserved for civil servants wishing to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure.
In conclusion, a wide range of assistance is available, depending on the activity and geographical location, and can take the form of tax exemptions or loans.