Take advantage of the benefits of mail forwarding with our company domiciliation service.

Mail forwarding: the advantages

The ideal solution for peace of mind!
Mail management
Reading time: 3min
Updated February 10, 2025
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To lighten the administrative burden of setting up a new business, and particularly of managing mail, consider domiciling your company with a domiciliation company.

These companies offer a wide range of services to reduce the time-consuming tasks of entrepreneurs.

Mail reception and forwarding services are also available. Other services, such as scanning all your mail (and making it available by e-mail) or making it available at the domiciliation company's premises, are also possible.

These few services offered by domiciliation companies, and in particular by SeDomicilier, have many advantages! 

Dossier : What are the advantages of mail forwarding for a company?


Obtaining an address via SeDomicilier gives you access to three different services, in addition to receiving your mail in a fixed location, allowing your correspondents to contact you without any problem.

Let's take a closer look at the details of these three services: 

  • Firstly, you can opt to have your mail digitized. This involves scanning your mail on a daily basis and forwarding it by email. This is an effective solution for receiving copies of your mail, whether personal or professional, in good time, so you don't have to keep your correspondents waiting.
  • Secondly, you can collect your mail yourself at one of SeDomicilier's business centers . You can collect your mail yourself at one of SeDomicilier's business centers, a suitable alternative for people who want to receive their mail in person. 
  • And finally, an efficient forwarding service. This option has the advantage of being able to adapt to your needs, with up to one forwarding per week. The result is the possibility of obtaining the originals of all your mail.

Fixed rates

While a number of domiciliation companies offer variable rates, SeDomicilier is unique in offering attractive fixed rates. For your mail, postage is included, and you also get free monthly mail forwarding as part of the basic package. 

Basic rates are around 20 euros per month. 

There are no "hidden" charges or security deposits. Nor are there any administration fees.  

Live tracking 

The opportunity to access live monitoring of your mail processing. The latter is accessible via the personal space allocated to each customer, providing optimum autonomy and flexibility.

In addition to mail management, we offer a range of other services that may also be of interest to entrepreneurs. 

These range from setting upa hotline to providing personalized assistance or renting meeting rooms on an ad hoc basis.

SeDomicilier offers a wide range of services that allow entrepreneurs to concentrate solely on developing their business! 

How is mail handled at SeDomicilier?

Written by our expert Quentin MOYON
March 5, 2018
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