A P.O. box is a box located in a predefined area, enabling private individuals and professionals to receive their mail. Installed in a post office, this solution is designed for companies without a mail management service, or for private individuals on the move (for example).

But a P.O. box can also be used for business purposes, through a domiciliation company.

We will explain the differences between these two types of mailboxes, their specific features, and the price to be paid for this service.

The difference between private and business mailboxes

As we've already mentioned, a private mailbox is set up in a specific location, often the post office, to enable private individuals or businesses to receive their mail. The mailbox has a specific number and a locking system to which only the beneficiary has access.

To send mail to a P.O. box, the usual address on the envelope or parcel is replaced by the initials BP followed by the box number. The advantage of a private mailbox is that you can distinguish your physical address from your postal address.

In addition to the inflexible post office service, there are companies that specialize in managing your personal mail. In addition to securing your mail, these private mailboxes offer options such as mail forwarding and scanning. 

This frees companies from the need for a mail reception service.

This solution is also available for private customers who don't have their own mailbox, or one that is damaged or inaccessible.

The business mailbox is located within a commercial domiciliation company. In return for a subscription, the professional is entitled to a tailor-made mail service. Similar to the P.O. box in its operation, this solution differs in that it offers additional services.

In fact, it's not uncommon to be able to take advantage of a mail forwarding option, so that subscribers don't have to go out of their way to receive their mail. By opting for a business P.O. box, a company director can benefit from a prestigious domiciliation address for his or her business.

Rates and services for private and business mailboxes

Of course, having access to this type of service comes at a price! If you choose to receive your mail via a private mailbox, you'll have to pay €0.23 per day, and €0.12 for any additional options .

With this cost, you can have a classic mail reception service.

However, you'll need to be prepared to move constantly to retrieve it, a limit that may hold back some business leaders.

If you opt for a business mailbox, the rate is based on a subscription and includes the company 's address and mail management. Rates depend on the domiciliation company chosen.

For your information, Sedomicilier.fr offers a minimum fee of €6.49 per month. The main advantage of this service is that you can have your mail forwarded to your home or office address.

In other words, the opportunity to have a prestigious business address without the high cost. A number of additional services are also available to professionals, such as access to meeting rooms and a telephone answering service. 


Whether you choose a private or business mailbox is a question of priorities. A private P.O. box has the advantage of being inexpensive but extremely basic. It allows you to distinguish between your private and professional life, but cannot be used as your company's head office. For the pure and simple reception of mail, this is a relevant solution.

A business P.O. box offers even more advantages, since in addition to collecting business mail via a quality address, it can redirect it to another address, thus avoiding the need to travel.

What's more, unlike a P.O. box, there are no location restrictions , as the company can be located in a different département from the one in which it does business. Not to mention the opportunity to acquire an attractive head office address, access to offices and meeting rooms, or a telephone service.

The professional mailbox is the best compromise!

But as with everything, it's essential to weigh up the pros and cons according to your specific needs, in order to opt for the best solution.