Steps to becoming a freelance illustrator

How to become a freelance illustrator How to become a freelance illustrator

Illustrators are graphic arts experts who work as employees or microentrepreneurs, giving them greater freedom to choose their assignments and clients. Let's find out everything you need to know about becoming a freelance illustrator!
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A freelance illustrator is an artist who specializes in the graphic arts. Their job is to translate an idea or text into pictorial form. They can work for major corporations, publishing houses or press groups.

An illustrator can work on book covers, drawings, press posters, event posters,corporatebrochures and more. He also uses a variety of techniques, such as watercolor, drawing, painting or collage.

Today's illustrators work with specialized graphic design software. Illustrators often work as salaried employees, although more and more of them prefer a freelance status. This allows them to become their own boss, freely choosing their clients and assignments.

Would you like to get started?

Follow the guide!

Freelance status gives freelance illustrators more freedom

What qualifications are required to enter this profession?

The profession of illustrator is not regulated by the State. No diploma is required to enter the profession.

On the other hand, it's very useful to display recognized training to sign contracts more easily, and win the trust of your prospects.

This is particularly important if you're new to the profession.

Among the most widely recognized training courses on the market are :

  • Level BAC+2: BTS Graphic Design (specializing in Communication and Printed Media)
  • BAC +3 level: Diplôme National d'Arts Appliqués (DNAT) and Diplôme des Métiers d'Arts (DMA)
  • Level BAC +4: Diplôme Supérieur d'Arts Appliqués (DSAA)
  • Level BAC +5: Diplôme National Supérieur d'Expression Plastique (DNSEP)

How do you choose your legal status?

To become a freelance illustrator, we recommend that you choose one of the following legal forms:

  • EIRL (Entreprise individuelle à responsabilité limitée). As the name suggests, the entrepreneur is only liable for the amount of capital he or she has contributed to the company. His or her personal assets are protected in the event of bad business, and cannot be used to recover any debts.
  • EURL (Entreprise universelle à responsabilité limitée). It offers the same advantages as the EIRL, but its manager is considered a self-employed worker. It benefits from a specific social protection scheme, less effective than that of salaried employees.
  • The SASU (Société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle) is particularly flexible. Its day-to-day operation is set out in the articles of association. The Chairman of the SASU is covered by the general social security system.
  • The micro-entrepreneur status status is particularly easy to set up, manage and wind up. Your social security contributions are calculated on the basis of your gross sales. This is capped at €176,200 for sales activities and €72,500 for services.

How do you deploy your visibility?

Deploying your visibility must be a priority, to ensure the sustainability of your business. Here are a few customer acquisition levers to consider:

  • Create an account on major social networks such as Facebook, InstagramTwitter or Pinterest to showcase your work on a daily basis
  • List your business in all professional directories and online databases (Google My Business, Yellow Pages, etc.).
  • Finally, make word-of-mouth work for you, because the world of illustrators is a small one. And of course, use your school network and alumni!

Finally, there's one detail that's all too often overlooked when it comes to the success of your project: displaying a prestigious head office address. The domiciliation companies provide their customers with a registered office as well as a postal, commercial and administrative address.

They enable you to benefit from a head office address located in the most sought-after areas of France's major metropolises at the lowest possible cost!

Much more than just a mailbox, they also offer a host of services designed to make your day-to-day life easier: switchboard, legal and administrative assistance, meeting room hire, etc.!

Corporate domiciliation allows you to focus on the missions with the highest added value: those that make your business a success!

With SeDomicilier, you can obtain your certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, in a 100% online process. What's more, all your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office!

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
october 27, 2020
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