The Cedex code allows companies to receive their mail as a priority.

What does "Cedex" stand for on a postal address?

The term "Cedex" can be found on many a letter, but what difference would it make if it wasn't? This acronym stands for "Courrier d'Entreprise à Distribution Exceptionnelle" and is little known to the general public.
Mail management
Reading time: 4min
Updated January 8, 2025
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You've probably already sent mail where the name of the destination city is followed by the term "cedex". This term is usually followed by a series of numbers, and stands for "courrier d'entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle".

It was introduced by the postal services in 1972 to distinguish between priority and non-priority business mail.

What is the purpose of the term "Cedex" in a postal address?

The term "Cedex" is reserved for mail addressed to certain companies only.

In fact, they have to take out a subscription with La Poste in order to have a postal address containing the word Cedex. As you can see, there's no need to use the term Cedex on all your mail in the hope that it will be given priority.

Mail marked Cedex and delivered to companies with a subscription is therefore given priority by the postal services. Cedex mail is handled by specific post offices.

How do I indicate "Cedex" when sending a letter?

Cedex numbers are made up of 5 digits following the word Cedex. As a general rule, the first two or three digits identify the department where therecipient company is domiciled. The last two or three digits correspond to the subscription ID of the company subscribing to the Cedex service.

You'll need to enter the usual zip code of the destination town, its name, the word Cedex and the appropriate number combination. For example, "75016 Paris Cedex 01". To make it easier to read, the word Cedex should preferably be written in capital letters. When sending, it must be entered in the "zip code" field.

What are the differences between Cedex and Cidex?

Have you ever heard of Cidex? This less common term stands for "Courrier Individuel à Distribution Exceptionnelle". In other words, it follows the same principle as Cedex, but is aimed at private individuals.

It's frequently used in housing estates where each resident doesn't have his or her own mailbox, but a collective place where everyone collects their mail.

In rural areas, the Cidex simplifies letter carriers' rounds, given the remoteness of homes.

What are the advantages of having a Cedex for a company?

For a company, having a Cedex is a considerable asset. It enables companies located on the outskirts of a metropolis to benefit from its "Cedex" and economic dynamism.

This makes domiciling your company a considerable advantage: by locating your head office in a major city, you can benefit from its Cedex and receive your mail more quickly, while at the same time locating your business in the suburbs.

As a result, you benefit from a prestigious head office address and numerous services to lighten your daily routine (mail handling, administrative, legal and tax assistance, switchboard, meeting room hire, etc.).

Finally, this alternative allows us to target towns with CFE rates below the national average.

Company domiciliation is the ideal alternative to choosing your own home or renting business premises.

With Sedomicilier, it only takes five minutes to obtain a certificate. All services are offered à la carte, and can be modified from your secure, personalized online space.

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
July 2, 2021

What are the advantages of having a Cedex?

The main advantages for a company are as follows:

  • Benefit from better organization and more efficient mail management

    1. Benefit from better organization and more efficient mail management

    Cedex makes it possible to manage mail more rationally, which is good for business.

  • Save time

    2. Save time

    Cedex saves time, since mailings are sent directly to the recipient's address, bypassing the mail delivery service.

  • Reducing costs

    3. Reducing costs

    Cedex helps you cut mail-related costs, thanks in particular to the ability to send large volumes of mail at lower cost.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the differences between CEDEX and CIDEX?
Cidex" stands for "Courrier Individuel à Distribution Exceptionnelle". In other words, it follows the same principle as Cedex, but is addressed to private individuals. This method is often used in housing estates where each resident does not have his or her own mailbox, but a collective collection point.
What does a CEDEX code consist of?
Cedex numbers are made up of 5 digits following the word Cedex. As a general rule, the first two or three digits identify the department where the recipient company is domiciled. The last two or three digits correspond to the subscription ID of the company subscribing to the Cedex service. For example, "75016 Paris Cedex 01".
Why indicate CEDEX on a letter?
Cedex mail is handled by specific post offices. As a result, mail marked Cedex and distributed to companies with a subscription will be given priority by the postal services.
What does CEDEX mean in a postal address?
Cedex" stands for "courrier d'entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle". It was introduced by the postal service in 1972 to distinguish between priority and non-priority business mail.