What is a K or Kbis extract?

Definition of Kbis

Whether you are an individual or a legal entity, you are required to register with the National Business Register (RNE). As of January 1, 2023, this will replace the Trade and Companies Register (RCS), the Trades Register (RM) and the Agricultural Assets Register (RAA).

The RNE covers all commercial, craft, agricultural and liberal activities. It provides auto-entrepreneurs with a registration extract, corresponding to the micro-enterprise's identity card.

The Kbis extract contains important information about your company:

  • Head office address ;
  • Amount of share capital ;
  • Identity of directors ;
  • SIREN number and APE code ;
  • Date of registration ;
  • Legal form of company, etc.

The K extract is the same document as the Kbis extract. However, it is not intended for the same person. The Kbis extract is intended for legal entities (commercial companies: SARL, SAS, etc.). TheK extract is intended for individuals: sole proprietors and auto-entrepreneurs.

    Registering my micro-business

The K extract contains most of the information relating to the micro-entrepreneur's activity:

  • The registration office ;
  • The micro-entrepreneur's legal form and company name ;
  • SIREN number ;
  • The address of the company's registered office;
  • Creation date ;
  • Nature of business and APE code.

A Kbis extract is valid for three months. Once the validity period has expired, the micro-entrepreneur must submit a new application.

What is the purpose of a Kbis extract for a company?

TheKbis extract proves the legal existence of your business. It is required for certain procedures in the life of your company:

  • Obtaining a grant ;
  • Participate in public tenders, etc.

The Kbis extract is essential for opening a bank account and depositing your company's share capital. It is also required to release the company's funds after registration.

What is the purpose of a K extract for auto-entrepreneurs?

The K extract is proof that the micro-enterprise has been registered with the RNE.

It enables you to carry out a number of administrative procedures, including opening a business bank account dedicated to your professional activity. This document is also useful for concluding contracts with customers or suppliers.

How do you obtain a K extract for your micro-business?

Declare your activity

Without auto-entrepreneur registration, it is not possible to obtain a K extract. It is therefore imperative to declare your activity via the Guichet unique website. To register, you need to provide certain documents:

  • Copy of a valid identity document with your signature and the words "I certify on my honor that the copy of this identity document is a true copy of the original."
  • Proof of address less than three months old;
  • A note on the honor of non-conviction.

The file is then forwarded to the RNE and a copy of the micro-enterprise kbis is issued.

Who can request a K extract?

The auto-entrepreneur is not the only person authorized to request a K extract. This is publicly accessible data. A business partner or bank can find out about your situation by consulting your K extract.

Where can I find a K extract for micro-businesses?

To obtain a K extract, visit the French government's dedicated website. Fill in the details of your company or auto-entrepreneur to obtain your document. Self-employed entrepreneurs can go directly to the clerk's office of the commercial court to obtain a valid extract. The request is free of charge for micro-entrepreneurs.

A micro-business does not have a Kbis extract. The auto-entrepreneur can request a K extract to support his dealings with service providers or banking institutions.

How do I change my K extract if I'm an auto-entrepreneur?

Your micro-business information must be kept up to date at all times. In certain cases, you may need to apply for an amended registration:

  • Change of registered office address ;
  • Change of trade name ;
  • Addition or change of activity, etc.

The request for an amended registration is made to the Guichet unique. The K extract is automatically modified.

K extract and company domiciliation

What is company domiciliation?

Company domiciliation refers to the address of the auto-entrepreneur's registered office. It can be set up in a business premises, a coworking space, a domiciliation company or at the auto-entrepreneur's home. The registered office establishes which authorities the company is answerable to. Although domiciling your company in your own home can save you money, it does have the disadvantage of making your personal address public.

Choosing the services of a domiciliation company

A domiciliation company offers a number of advantages to make everyday life easier for entrepreneurs. Mail can be received, digitized and forwarded to your personal address. If you'd like to take advantage of office space for your business activities, SeDomicilier offers office and coworking space rental. The auto-entrepreneur benefits from a prestigious address for domiciling his or her activities.