- A digital nomad is a worker who exercises his or her profession remotely.
- Digital nomadism is an increasingly trendy lifestyle that offers great flexibility.
- Digital nomads have a job that only requires a laptop and a good Internet connection.
- This lifestyle offers autonomy and flexibility in the workplace, since the digital nomad can choose his or her own work rhythm.
- However, this trend has a few drawbacks: the digital nomad may be less involved in the corporate culture, and may be tempted not to follow a demanding work discipline.
Why become a digital nomad?
Work tools are evolving at an unprecedented pace, and the Covid-19 crisis was an unprecedented catalyst for trends. While telecommuting was expected to grow slowly over the next decade, it has suddenly become widespread for several tens of millions of French workers since March 2020. This has propelled the phenomenon of digital nomadism in France, and around the world.
Many professions require only a computer and a good Internet connection to work, which is why digital nomads can indulge their passion for travel while working efficiently. Freelance, translator, web editor, developer, graphic designer, remote coach, sales representative, web entrepreneur, etc. are just some of the professions that lend themselves to the life chosen by digital nomads.
What is a digital nomad?
The life of a digital nomad is "digital". This means they can practice their profession remotely, from the country of their choice, using a laptop and a high-quality WiFi connection.
The life of a digital nomad is also "nomadic". You need to be able to constantly change your working environment, and adapt without difficulty. Digital nomads often invest in coworking spaces in the cities they visit.
Digital nomads build their own balance between personal and professional life, as they move around the world. The majority of digital nomads are self-employed, as this lifestyle implies a certain degree of autonomy. However, some digital nomads prefer the status of salaried employee, and are therefore considered "remote" by their company.
Why is this trend on the rise?
Digital nomadism is a real trend among young people, who appreciate the flexibility this lifestyle affords. More and more of them prefer the disadvantages of self-employment to those of salaried work.
In 2021, it's easy to equip yourself with the tools you need to work like a digital nomad: a computer and an Internet connection are all you need to work anywhere in the world. New discussion channels have also appeared, replacing e-mails and streamlining business exchanges.
Within companies, the new post-Covid-19 management methods give employees greater freedom to work remotely if they wish. This lifestyle is more in tune with the aspirations of a significant proportion of today's workers.
What jobs do digital nomads generally do?
The specific characteristics of digital nomadism make it incompatible with certain professions. First and foremost, all those for which it is necessary to be physically present in a given workplace (craftsmen, engineers, doctors, etc.). Thus, the main professions that adapt to the constraints of digital nomads are those that allow you to be a freelancer, linked to digital marketing or web development, such as :
- Web developer: designs websites and participates in the development of user interfaces and mobile applications.
- Community manager: animates customers' online communities through the various social networks used by the company.
- Web copywriters: their role is to write different types of web content defined in advance with their employer.
- Graphic designers: in charge of corporate communications and visual identity.
- Personal development coaches: often employed by a company, they can set up a blog and offer advice on personal development to their colleagues. They can also organize online training courses.
What are the advantages of digital nomadism?
Becoming a digital nomad offers definite advantages for any employee seeking autonomy in his or her work. Digital nomads are free to choose their own work rhythm: working hours and days, lunch breaks...
But they are alsofree to choose where they work: where they live, a coworking space, the terrace of a café... This freedom enables digital nomads to gain in productivity, since they prefer a rhythm and a place of work that enable them to perform at their best.
What are the disadvantages of digital nomadism?
While there are many advantages to this lifestyle, there are also disadvantages for both the employee and the company he or she works for.
Among the notable disadvantages of this lifestyle for the employee,the temptation not to follow a demanding work discipline often besets digital nomads. You have to be motivated, and set yourself a serious work rhythm. It also means having to put up with a certain amount of solitude. Last but not least, freelancing involves a degree of uncertainty about the future of your assignments, the regularity of your income, and your future destinations.
Remote employees also run the risk of being less involved in the corporate culture. Indeed, by working remotely, they don't actively participate in the life of the company: they don't rub shoulders with their colleagues, nor with the spirit and values of the company. The risk is therefore to have employees who are disconnected from the reality of the company, and therefore less committed.
The life of a digital nomad is atypical, and you need to ask yourself the right questions before embarking on this great adventure!