What services does a cleaning company offer?
Before considering opening your own cleaning business, it's a good idea to know what the field covers, so you can find your specialty or choose from a number of different assignments.
The hygiene sector offers a wide range of services for both professional and private customers:
- Floor cleaning,
- vacuuming and dusting furniture,
- window cleaning,
- cleaning and disinfecting sanitary facilities,
- emptying garbage cans and wastepaper baskets,
- supply of consumables (toilet paper, hand towels, hand soap, paper cups, etc.),
- cleaning of offices and business premises, ventilation of premises,
- industrial and warehouse cleaning,
- decontamination, cleaning of private outdoor areas,
- high-pressure cleaning of carpets and rugs,
- automatic cleaning with machines,
- post-disaster clean-up,
- site cleaning,
- hospital cleaning,
- school cleaning,
- cleaning of catering establishments,
- home cleaning,
- graffiti removal,
- vehicle cleaning, etc.
As cleaning needs are constantly increasing, this list is of course not exhaustive, and you can either specialize in one area or set up a company that offers all types of cleaning.
There are three types of services offered by a cleaning company:
- one-off cleaning: after an event or worksite, after an accident, a one-off need of a private individual suffering a temporary loss of autonomy, etc. ... ;
- recurrent cleaning: regular cleaning services for public authorities, companies or private individuals;
- project-based cleaning: services defined in advance for a limited period.

Who can set up a cleaning business?
Firstly, even without training, certain skills will be useful to a cleaning contractor: knowing cleaning methods, the different products and equipment available, and customer needs and expectations will be very useful.
Business management and customer relations skills, as well as legal, accounting and tax knowledge , are also key to opening a cleaning business. Don't hesitate to take training courses or internships to acquire these skills.
What training do you need to set up your own cleaning business?
There is no compulsory training to open a cleaning business, as the sector is not regulated. However, you can learn the basics to help you succeed.
So don't hesitate to qualify and train your team and yourself with several training courses:
- A BEP in hygiene trades,
- a CAP in premises maintenance and hygiene,
- a CAP APH (Cleaning and Hygiene Agent),
- a vocational baccalaureate in Hygiene, Cleaning and Sterilization,
- a vocational baccalaureate in Pollution Management and Environmental Protection,
- a vocational baccalaureate in hygiene and the environment,
- a BTS in Environmental Services.
Certifications in the hygiene sector
You can also obtain certifications to become more professional, but also to meet market requirements and compete more legitimately with other cleaning companies:
- ISO 9000 certification and Qualipropre certification (in the propreté entreprise qualification branch) for "sensitive" sectors,
- the NF Environnement standard from AFNOR to certify that a company uses only eco-responsible products in France,
- The Ecolabel for a company that complies with European environmental standards.
Complying with ISO standards is not compulsory, so voluntary compliance demonstrates your application and commitment to quality, which is a major asset in helping you stand out from the crowd, as it reinforces your customers' trust in your brand and consolidates your reputation.
These certifications will enable you tosecure certain markets and sectors considered "sensitive", such as the agri-food sector, industry (chemical plants, warehouses, various premises), or the public sector (hospitals and schools).
Health and safety standards for "sensitive" sectors
Depending on the sector in which your cleaning company operates (restaurants, schools, hospitals, food processing industries, etc.), certain regulations apply, and you'll need to take special measures.
In the hospital environment, you need to be familiar with the rating scale for areas at risk of contamination (0 to 4). In fact, areas are cleaned from the cleanest to the most contaminated, in compliance with hygiene rules (specific work clothes, hand washing, protection with gloves).
In the food, agri-food and catering industries, you need to use cleaning products that are compatible with food contact, and comply with current food safety regulations (ISO 22000 food safety standard).
In the sensitive industrial or high-tech sector, you need to comply with ISO 14644-1 and 14644-2 standards.
To find out more, contact the Office de Qualification Professionnelle des Entreprises de Propreté et des Services Associés (OQPEPSA).
Of course, you'll also need to comply with labor law for your employees, safety requirements linked to specific qualifications for the type of cleaning service you offer (high-rise window cleaning, etc.), and the collective agreement governing hygiene companies.
Setting up a cleaning business takes time, patience and hard work. First and foremost, you need to proceed in stages:
- conduct market research,
- make a business plan which includes market research,
- choose the legal form best suited to your project and the specialties you choose to practice,
- carry out administrative procedures according to the structure and type of company chosen
- Promote your company.
Setting up a cleaning business: carrying out market research
Before setting up a new business, whatever the type or sector, it's essential to carry out a market study. This will enable you to identify demand and supply in the sector concerned, as well as the added value your business will bring, and therefore its viability and profitability potential.
In the cleaning sector, market research will help you to:
- keep abreast of the latest trends and innovations in the industry,
- the different players in the market, i.e. your competitors,
- the rates charged in the sectors and specialties you are targeting,
- the needs and expectations of your future customers.
Based on the analysis of the data collected, you'll know how to orient your company's concept, and what brand image to build to reach your target audience. You'll also be able to define your catchment area in terms of demand, as well as your company's positioning among its competitors. Ask yourself: what do you have that's unique and that sets you apart from other cleaning companies?
For example, if you're targeting private individuals, and your market research reveals strong demand in your geographical area, it's a good idea to offer your cleaning services as a personal service (with an SAP declaration number), as the customers you'll be working for will benefit from a 50% tax credit on your services (half of the amounts spent will be reimbursed to them the following year).
If, for example, you're located in a rural area, and your market survey shows the presence of several farmers and producers of local and organic produce, you can offer them cleaning services using only eco-responsible products, especially if you have environmental certification (NF or Ecolabel standard).
Drawing up a business plan for your cleaning company
Now that you've done your market research, you can include it in a complete business plan.
This true entrepreneurial foresight tool includes :
- Market research,
- a financial forecast (estimated first-year sales, break-even point, etc.),
- a detailed business model (financing plan),
- sales strategy,
- a marketing strategy,
- short- and medium-term objectives,
- an action plan to achieve these objectives,
- development prospects.
This document is very useful for the entrepreneur, and indispensable for banks and investors, who need concrete figures to support the viability of your project. Knowing the future profitability of a cleaning business makes it easier for them to grant financing.
Don't hesitate to enlist the help of professionals to establish these forecasts correctly, before communicating these documents to the various investors. In particular, you can benefit from entrepreneurial support and assistance from the Bureau de Gestion des Entreprises or France Travail, or from the departments and regions that offer workshops and training.
Setting up your cleaning business: choosing the right legal status
Once you've completed your market study and business plan, it's time to think about the legal status of your cleaning business. The company's legal form must be the best for your situation, your needs, your objectives, and the sectors you're targeting.
Don't hesitate to consult a lawyer, who will be able to advise you on the best choice of status for your future cleaning company.
Setting up a cleaning company as a legal entity
A company with a legal personality represents a business where responsibility does not rest entirely with the natural person you are: a legal entity is created by statute to carry the business assets, without mixing them with your own assets. This is what a company is all about.
If your future business is going to employ cleaners and other staff, choosing a legal entity will enable you to separate your business assets from your personal assets. This will protect your personal assets in the event of financial problems.
You can choose between two legal forms: SAS ( Société par Actions Simplifiée) or SARL ( Société à Responsabilité Limitée).
If, on the other hand, you're going to set up your own company and work alone, you can also separate your personal and professional assets with two different types of status: EURL ( Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée) and SASU (Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle).
Setting up a SASU or SAS is a good idea if you already have a source of income, as this choice of status for your business allows you to earn low-tax dividends, even if the manager doesn't earn any income for the rest of the accounting year.
If, on the other hand, you need a stable income, choose the EURL or SARL. On the other hand, taking a salary is subject to 75% social security contributions, and this type of company is more heavily taxed, with a 45% tax rate.
So choose your status according to your financial needs and long-term goals, even if the tax rate will also influence your choice.

How to set up your own cleaning company?
To set up one of these four companies (SAS, SARL, SASU, EURL), you will need to complete the following administrative formalities:
- drafting the company's articles of association,
- company name,
company domicile,
- establishment and payment of share capital,
- publication of a legal notice of business creation in a Journal d'Annonces Légales (JAL),
- fill in the online application form to register your company on the "guichet unique des entreprises" (via the INPI website) and provide the required supporting documents.
We advise you to seek professional assistance in drawing up the articles of association for your cleaning company (notary, lawyer or attorney), and in registering your cleaning company.
Your company's tax regime willvary according to the legal form you choose and your initial share capital.
Create a franchise for your cleaning company
You can also opt for a franchise for your cleaning business, which will give you financial support and guidance in developing your business. You benefit from the brand's network, its clientele and its legitimacy in the trade. On the other hand, you won't have any say in how the business is run (brand image, services, rates).
The various hygiene franchise networks include Domicile Clean (personal services for individuals), Adele (high-end housekeeping), ASR Nettoyage (professional sector) and Axeo Services (individuals and professionals).
Setting up a one-man cleaning business
Unlike a company, liability is different in a sole proprietorship. When you set up a sole proprietorship, you are solely responsible for the business: your company and you form a single natural person.
In principle, this means that your personal and business assets are intermingled, and that your personal assets will be affected in the event of financial difficulties.
However, since 2022, the personal assets of sole traders have been protected: in the event of liquidation of the business, only the assets used for the professional activity can be seized (telephone, computer, office, etc.).
In this case, you can opt for the Entreprise Individuelle (EI) or micro-entreprise status (formerly known as auto-entreprise). This special status allows you to benefit from simplified administration and financial advantages.
How to set up a cleaning micro-business?
In fact, there are no set-up costs for a micro-business, and procedures are simplified, with rapid registration, exemption from social security charges for one year (ACRE), and tax advantages. Taxation is lower than for a company, thanks to a sales ceiling of 77,700 euros (which varies according to the activity - in this case, a service activity).
If you want to offer your cleaning services on your own and quickly, this status is for you. Check that you are eligible, and then simply follow these steps:
- Apply to register your company online, on the Guichet Unique des Entreprises (via INPI),
- fill in the form and attach the supporting documents requested,
- open a bank account dedicated to your business.
The registration application will be sent to URSSAF and the Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat, which will then send you your K-Bis extract, with all the official information (APE code, Sirène, etc.).
Domiciliation for your cleaning company
When it comes to domiciling your cleaning business, the choice of head office location is strategic. First of all, it has to be visible and well exposed, and easily accessible to your customers and employees. You also need to assess the fixed and variable costs.
There are a number of ways to set up your business: renting commercial premises, coworking spaces, or working from home. Renting commercial premises involves a lot of costs: monthly rent, energy bills, telephone and internet charges, upkeep and maintenance.
SeDomicilier provides you with domiciliation services and all the extras you need to run your business smoothly!
With SeDomicilier, you benefit from :
- a prestigious address in a business center in Paris or any other major city,
- mail management,
- tailor-made spaces for your business,
- computer and audiovisual equipment,
- assistance with day-to-day formalities.
How much money do you need to open a cleaning business?
It's important not to neglect the question of the business start-up budget, as this can be substantial.
There are several expenses to consider when starting your cleaning business:
- administrative costs of setting up a business (registration, publication of an advert in the JAL, etc.).
- sales and marketing campaigns to raise your profile,
- payroll costs (recruitment costs, employee salaries, supplies and equipment),
- rent for business premises (store, offices or workshop),
- purchase of cleaning products and equipment,
- insurance and transport, etc.
On average, the total cost of these expenses is estimated at between €50,000 and €130,000.
If you're setting up a sole proprietorship or micro-business, these costs are likely to be between 3,000 and 10,000 euros. If you're setting up a franchise, expect to pay between €5,000 and €40,000 in entry fees, and between €3,000 and €200,000 in overall and personal investment.
In the following tables, you will find all the fixed and variable costs to anticipate when setting up and running your cleaning business:

As far as equipment is concerned, you'll need to consider the purchase of basic supplies (gloves, gowns, brooms, brushes, sponges, rags, buckets, etc.) as well as equipment specific to your area of work : industrial vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, sweepers, cleaning carts, self-washers, single-brush machines, high-pressure cleaners, etc.

To launch your business, you'll need to make your cleaning company known in the hygiene market.
To do this, you can rely on several strategies:
- have a website (showcase site) and a Google My Business listing,
- Be present on social networks and create regular content,
- spread the word by encouraging your existing satisfied customers to tell their friends and family about you,
- propose test and audit assignments, offer a few services to customers to make yourself known,
- collect positive customer testimonials and reviews to publish on your social networks,
- offer your customers top-of-the-range services and impeccable customer care to build customer loyalty and enhance your reputation,
- create offers tailored to your target customers.
How much does a cleaning company earn?
Your cleaning business can be highly profitable because the hygiene sector is buoyant and dynamic. But competition is fierce, so you need to maintain efficient operating costs and a loyal customer base. Revenues vary according to many factors: the rates charged, the size and type of business, and the target clientele.
The average net margin is between 10% and 35%.
If the company maintains a margin of 25%, for example, annual sales will be between €25,000 and €35,000.
Depending on the choice of legal status, the company director does not earn the same income. If you're a sole proprietor, you don't pay yourself a salary, but draw on your cash flow as soon as sales cover expenses.
What assistance is available to open a cleaning business?
To help launch your cleaning company, you can take advantage of several sources of financing and assistance for entrepreneurs.
Firstly, you can obtain government subsidies, as the state helps in certain specific sectors such as cleaning.
If you are a job seeker, France Travail can also grant you :
l'Aide aux Chômeurs Créant ou Reprenant une Entreprise (ACRE), which allows you to benefit from reduced social security contributions for the first year and simplified tax procedures;
l'Aide à la Reprise ou à la Création d'Entreprise (ARCE) , which enables you to receive all your remaining entitlement payments in one or two instalments, so that you can meet the costs of setting up and launching your business.
Then you can turn to banks and investors for loans and financial support. Private or institutional investors also provide support and strategic expertise.
Thanks to your business plan and market study, you'll be able to put together a solid and convincing financing package. Get started!