Have you just completed your first assignment? It's time to get your invoice right!
Indeed, knowing how to issue an invoice in due form is an important act for a company's accounts, but also for the tax authorities.
First of all, it's essential to consider the mandatory information to be included on your invoices.
The number of such invoices is considerable, despite an attempt to simplify the process of issuing and formalizing invoices with the 2013 decree, which abbreviates certain VAT-related information and exempts invoices whose value is deemed "low" (less than €150) from several items of information.
Please note that the compulsory information to be included on the invoice is listed in articles 289-II and 242 nonies A of the CGI or Code Général des Impôts.
These are :
Secondly, there are a number of special features that you need to make visible on your invoices.
As such, any company not subject to VAT is obliged to specify this with the phrase: "TVA non applicable, article 293 B du Code général des impôts" (VAT not applicable, article 293 B of the General Tax Code).
But also in the case of an intra-Community delivery or service which is exempt, the following statement must appear: "Exempt from VAT, article 262 ter, I of the CGI".
This form must be accompanied by the intra-Community VAT numbers of the buyer and seller on the invoice.
Finally, it's important to consider the potential consequences of submitting a non-compliant invoice.
First of all, a penalty of up to €75,000 can be imposed on any company that fails to comply with these and other obligations.
In conclusion, drawing up an invoice can be a complex and time-consuming job. It may therefore be worthwhile to enlist the help of specialists to help you with your accounting and invoicing needs.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min