As an auto-entrepreneur, you are subject to the Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises (CFE) under the conditions of ordinary law. SeDomicilier gives you a few tips for optimizing your CFE rate.
When setting up a new business, there are several options available to self-employed entrepreneurs when it comes to domiciliation. It's up to you to choose the most advantageous solution for your business, based on the many options available.
If, for example, you choose to domicile your business at home, the area in which you live will have a significant impact on the amount of CFE you have to pay each year. This can be a particularly costly option for your company.
As an auto-entrepreneur, you also have the option of domiciling your business in a coworking space, although this is not the most recommended solution. You can also use the services of a domiciliation company to find a registered office for your business.
By using a domiciliation company like SeDomicilier to establish your company's head office, the cost of your CFE will be greatly reduced. In fact, our domiciliation company will help you choose a location that is fiscally advantageous for your business. You can also use our CFE calculator to determine the most advantageous location for your company. Choosing our domiciliation company means you can benefit from an address in a well-known neighborhood, while paying less tax for your business.
For several years now, as an auto-entrepreneur, you've been able to choose the simplified micro-tax system for your business. Set up by the French government, the main aim of this special scheme is to reduce the amount you have to declare in your accounts, and the amount you have to declare in your tax return. As an auto-entrepreneur, you can pay tax on a flat-rate basis, rather than on an actual basis.
To benefit from the simplified micro-tax regime, however, the auto-entrepreneur must enter the amount of his company's income or sales on his annual tax return. This will then enable the tax authorities to automatically calculate the value of the taxable profit by applying a flat-rate allowance for all professional expenses.
Only certain categories of sole proprietorships are eligible for the simplified micro-tax regime. This is in fact the case for an individual industrial, commercial, craft or liberal entrepreneur, who achieves a certain turnover up to a certain threshold. To this end, the 2020 Finance Act raised the sales ceilings for a company to benefit from the simplified micro-tax regime.
An auto-entrepreneur working in the liberal professions or providing services must not exceed company sales of €77,700 excluding VAT. An auto-entrepreneur who runs a commercial business and an accommodation business must not exceed sales of €188,700 excluding VAT if he or she wishes to benefit from the simplified micro-tax regime for his or her company.
For the years 2023, 2024 and 2025, the basic VAT exemption thresholds are 36,800 euros and 47,600 euros respectively for service companies and lawyers. They are fixed, at 91,900 euros and 36,800 euros, for companies selling goods and for other liberal professions. The higher thresholds have also been raised for these years, to 101,000 euros for sales companies and 39,100 euros for service providers.
What's more, as an auto-entrepreneur, you need to know which taxes apply to your status? With the help of a professional, you'll have all the answers you need to your questions about auto-entrepreneur status and the taxes you have to pay.
CFE rates vary from one commune to another. In fact, premises with the same surface area as another, but located in a different commune, may be subject to a separate CFE.
CFE rates vary from one commune to another. In fact, premises with the same surface area as another, but located in a different commune, may be subject to a separate CFE. To choose the right location for your business, call on a domiciliation company like SeDomicilier. Our company will help you choose a location, taking into account not only the CFE rate, but also access facilities and your target clientele.
Establishing your business in certain assisted zones offers the possibility of benefiting from CFE exemptions. This is particularly the case when you locate your company in a ZFU, a regional aid zone, a sensitive urban zone or a rural revitalization zone. You can also benefit from a CFE exemption by locating your company in a defense restructuring zone or a revitalized employment area.
As an auto-entrepreneur, no CFE is due for the first year of your business. To do this, you must complete the initial CFE declaration form (form n° 1447-C-SD) and send it to the entrepreneurial tax department before the end of the first year of activity.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min