Which residence permit for a foreign micro-entrepreneur?

You're not a French citizen and you'd like to know which residence permit you'll need to set up your own business? The steps you need to take depend on whether your country of origin is a member of the European Union (EU) or outside the EU.

For European citizens

If you're a European national living in France, you don 't need to apply for a residence permit to become an auto-entrepreneur. Foreign nationals are exempt from this formality if they are nationals of a :

  • member of the European Union (EU): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. 
  • theEuropean Economic Area (EEA), i.e. the 27 EU member states plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
  • of the Swiss Confederation, member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

The principalities of Andorra, Monaco, the Republic of San Marino and the Vatican are not mentioned, as they are not members of the EU, EEA or EFTA. However, these principalities have a specific status enabling their nationals to set up a micro-business in France, without having to obtain a residence permit.

The steps you need to take to declare your business as a foreign national are the same as for French nationals. You must register your micro-enterprise on the Guichet unique website, and domicile your business in France.

You don't have a business address in France yet? With SeDomicilier, choose your domiciliation address from among the prestigious addresses available in France and obtain your domiciliation contract online, in less than 4 hours.

For non-EU foreign nationals

Conversely, if you are a foreign national from a non-EU country, you need a valid residence permit to set up your micro-business. The following residence permits are valid for this type of activity:

  • a resident card ;
  • an EU long-term resident card;
  • a 10-year Algerian resident card under the terms of the agreement between France and Algeria;
  • a "private and family life" residence permit;
  • a temporary residence permit (APS) for students.

How do I obtain an "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit?

You don't have a residence permit to work as a self-employed person, or your current residence permit is no longer valid? There's a solution... To set up your own micro-business, simply apply for a residence permit marked "entrepreneur/profession libérale".

Conditions of eligibility

This residence permit is reserved for foreign nationals wishing to reside in France to set up their own micro-business. To obtain the "entrepreneur/professional" temporary residence permit, the activity must :

  • be a commercial, craft, industrial or liberal activity;
  • be compatible with public safety, health and tranquillity;
  • be carried out on a principal basis and be registered with the Guichet unique;
  • be economically viable;
  • justify sufficient means of subsistence, with resources at least equivalent to the minimum wage, i.e. €21,203 gross per year in 2024;
  • match your qualifications, skills and professional experience.

In addition, to obtain this residence permit, you must not have been convicted or disqualified.

Applying for a residence permit

If you are residing in France with an invalid residence permit in order to set up your micro-business, you must apply to your local prefecture or sub-prefecture for an "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit. This must be done within 2 months of the expiry date of your current residence permit.

You must provide the following documents to support your request:

  • A valid long-stay visa or residence permit;
  • proof of nationality (passport, identity card, consular card);
  • Proof of address less than 6 months old;
  • 3 recent passport photos ;
  • proof of payment of the stamp duty, which must be presented when the residence permit is issued;
  • a medical certificate issued by OFII (Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration), which must be submitted when the residence permit is issued.

Certain additional documents may be required, depending on the nature of your business.

Conversely, if you live abroad, you can apply for a long-stay visa (VLS-TS) from the French consulate in your country of residence. This visa authorizes you to reside in France and set up your micro-business, without needing a residence permit. It is advisable to start the process at least 3 months before your arrival date in France.

Cost of the procedure

The application procedure for an "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit costs €225 (€25 stamp duty + €200 tax). Proof of payment of stamp duty and tax will be requested when your residence permit is issued.

Card validity period

The "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit is valid for 12 months. Once this period has expired, you can apply to renew your permit.

How do I renew my "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit?

To apply for renewal of your residence permit, you must contact your local prefecture or sub-prefecture within 2 months of the expiry date of your permit. Be careful, because if you exceed this deadline, except in cases of force majeure, you will have to pay a regularization visa fee of €180.

For your application to be accepted, you must prove that :

  • you continue to meet the eligibility requirements;
  • your micro-business is still active;
  • your income is at least equivalent to the minimum wage, i.e. €21,203 over the last 12 months in 2024.

The supporting documents required are the same as for the first application for a residence permit.

If you meet all these conditions, you can apply for a multi-year residence permit, valid for 4 years.

The multi-annual "project-talent" residence permit: an alternative for foreign self-employed entrepreneurs?

There is an alternative to the "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit: the multi-annual residence permit marked "talent-porter de projet". Since January 28, 2024, this residence permit has replaced the "Entrepreneur" talent passport (Law no. 2024-42 of January 26, 2024 to control immigration).

If you have a secondary school diploma or a recognized qualification, you can apply for a special residence permit: a residence permit marked "talent-porter de projet". This residence permit is for commercial, craft or industrial activities only, and excludes liberal professions.

Conditions of eligibility

This residence permit is reserved for qualified foreign nationals. To apply, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • hold at least a Master's degree or have at least 5 years' professional experience in a comparable position;
  • justify the existence of a real and serious project to set up a micro-business in France (your business must be economically viable);
  • justify an innovative economic project, recognized by a public body;
  • make a direct economic investment in France.

This card allows you to carry out an activity in line with the economic project that justified its issue.

You should also be aware that, as of January 28, 2024, you cannot operate as a sole trader if you are a national of a non-EU country and do not have a residence permit authorizing you to operate under this status.

Applying for a residence permit

Before applying for a "talent-project" residence permit, you need to ask the Ministry of the Economy for an opinion on whether your business creation project is genuine and serious.

You must then apply online, no later than 2 months before your current residence permit expires. To support your application, you must provide a number of supporting documents, including :

  • A valid long-stay visa or residence permit;
  • proof of nationality (passport, identity card, consular card);
  • Proof of address less than 6 months old;
  • 3 recent passport photos ;
  • a diploma at least equivalent to a Master's degree (DEA, DESS, engineering diploma, etc.) or proof of at least 5 years' professional experience at a comparable level;
  • an extract from your criminal record if you live outside France (or equivalent document from the country of which you are a national);
  • a presentation of the project, the business plan and the projected multi-year budget...

The list of supporting documents is not exhaustive. You can find the complete list on the public service website.

Cost of the procedure

As with the "entrepreneur/professional" residence permit, the cost of obtaining a "talent-project leader" residence permit is €225.

Card validity period

The residence permit marked "talent-porter de projet" is a multi-annual permit, valid for 4 years. Once this period has expired, you can apply to renew your permit to continue working as an auto-entrepreneur.